I guess I started out like everyone else trying to make money online I think I have tried every program out there and listened to every so-called expert, but nothing to show for it but an empty wallet. You listen to every guru expert trying to sell you their next best solution. Now don't get me wrong there are plenty of good legit programs out there, but programs are different fits for different people some like MLM's some like ecommerce, some like side gigs or freelance etc., then I realized there they all had one thing in common, all needed a specific set of tools to operate online. Whether it was an auto responder or a funnel maker or a website, no matter what your type of program or system you had those in common. In order to have an online presence and no matter what program, system, or opportunity that you were involved in the same basic items are needed.

There is an old saying: "Give a person a fish, and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to fish, and you feed them for a lifetime." you can have the greatest business opportunity/idea , but if you don't have the needed systems in place your opportunity will never leave the ground. No matter what type of business you're into whether it be brick and mortar, ecommerce, affiliate marketing etc in order to have an online presence you will need specific tools. Once I realized that, that's when things started to change for the better, I had my systems in place and success was following behind it.

If you're anything like me and you've been around the block a few times and joined a few programs, if these programs were worth their salt you might realize that there are certain things you needed in order to do these businesses. Some of you may already have some of these tools in place. So now you need to make the best decision that best fits your needs.
So basically, I'm helping people feed themselves for a lifetime in whatever business they choose to be in.

William Gomez

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